As I was trying to watch College Football on Monday night, January 20, my attention kept turning towards the news on my phone. The headlines about executive orders, that are meant to harm and hurt God’s children, constantly appeared on my phone.
On Monday night, the current president signed orders to harm the trans-community, put in place an order that will lead to higher prices on prescription drugs for Medicare and Medicaid patients. He signed a flurry of attacks on immigrants. We heard threats from him against Mexico and Canada. I saw in the news that politicians in Greenland are not perplexed anymore but scared. The World Health Organization was dealt a blow, and the US has decided to join Iran, Libya, and Yemen, as the only countries to reject the Paris Climate Agreement.
It sounds bad, and it is. People of faith, people that trust in God that made all there is, people who believe in dignity of all human beings, who believe in the beauty of all God’s diverse and magnificent creation, need to react. We are called to respond.
The voice of the Lord is saying to us now,
“Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8a)
And we should respond with mercy, love, care, and action. Stand with all those that are suffering, and those that will suffer. This is not the first time Christians have to confront hate, harm, and suffering.
History teaches us, that those claiming to follow Christ are often swept up by the forces of evil, are tempted to close their eyes, or find justifications for the hate, harm, and suffering. We have numerous examples in this country, even in our own denomination were those claiming to follow Christ fought on behalf of evil causes. However, we must reject all compliance with evil and speak for justice to all.
If we trust in a God of peace, justice, and joy, if we believe in the beauty of all God’s diverse and magnificent creation, we must not close our eyes or try and justify the evil acts around us.
We can support ACLU as they try and protect the constitution that is under attack. We can support the trans-community through or similar organizations. We must become intentional about always using correct pronouns, as we talk to our trans friends. It is perhaps more important than ever before, to show we care, and we hear, and we love, and we are not allowing hate to erase anyone.
There are many other causes that need to be addressed, and we might not be able to help all, but help we must.
We can listen, learn, send letters, make phone calls, show love, speak up when harmful things are said around us, and we can and should pray. Above all we need to stay hopeful, joyful, and never lose faith that “Christ is Lord, and the emperor is not”.
The Church of the Redeemer UMC in Cleveland Heights, claims to be a place where we celebrate God’s grace and love for all people and strive to follow Jesus’ teachings. You will find love and affirmation here, exactly as you are – No Exceptions!
May we once again respond to God’s call, just like Isaiah, and proclaim:
“Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8b)
Peace, Justice, Joy, and Resistance,