Life-long Learning
Education doesn’t end when you walk out of school for the last time. COR offers regular and special opportunities throughout the year to learn about our faith traditions; grow in faith and discipleship; and engage with current issues through a faith lens. Laypersons are empowered to lead Bible studies or small groups to educate about issues that call to them or in which they have expertise.

Open Table Adult Bible Study
Every Sunday 9:00-10:00 AM (now only on Zoom)
COR hosts a lay-led, informal adult Bible study Sunday mornings at 9:00. Engage in facilitated discussion on the Scripture reading that anchors the week’s sermon, and head to worship ready to let the message go deeper. Congregants and visitors of diverse backgrounds meet in a welcoming atmosphere to grow together in knowledge and understanding. No preparation, except perhaps a review of the week’s verses, is necessary. Currently the Sunday Bible Study at 9:00 AM is only offered on Zoom. Please contact the church for a link.
Only on Zoom.

Weekly Bible Study
Wednesdays at 10:00 AM
For those who want to dive deeper into Scripture in a structured educational environment, COR offers a midweek Bible study led by our pastor. Recent studies include What is the Bible?, Introduction to the Old Testament, and Introduction to the New Testament. Engage as an informal learner, following the text and joining in discussion, or go the extra mile and take on reading and writing assignments for more intense, focused study.
Also offered on Zoom.

Mary Hopewell Social Justice Book Club
Every Other Wednesday at 7pm
Redeemer members read and discuss books that inform our service and action for social justice. Some of the books discussed include: The Warmth of Other Suns, White Fragility, & The New Jim Crow. You can see a list of the books read at Contact Joyce Roper for more information.
Only on Zoom.
Breakfast Discussion Group
Thursday Mornings at 9:00 – 10:30 AM
A Group of Redeemer members have met for breakfast at First Watch at 13950 Cedar Rd in University Heights for few years. Currently the group meets at zoom.
Currently on Zoom.