Our Mission

We celebrate God’s grace and love for all people and strive to follow Jesus’ teachings. You will find love and affirmation here, exactly as you are – No Exceptions.

Our Vision

To continue to grow in diversity and service to Christ; to honor the sacredness of every person.

Our Values

  • Embrace and respect all people as God’s children
  • Foster deeper relationships with God
  • Nurture one another in joy
  • Do justice
  • Encourage discipleship

The United Methodist Church

Church of the Redeemer UMC is a congregation in The United Methodist Church. It belongs to the Northern Waters District of the East Ohio Conference. We have two co-district superintendents, Rev. Bruce Hitchcock and Rev. Angela Lewis. Before becoming part of The United Methodist Church, Church of the Redeemer belonged to the Evangelical Brethren Tradition.

Reconciling Congregation

We are honored to be the oldest Reconciling congregation in the East Ohio Conference. Since 1994 we have committed to working for full ministry to and inclusion of all of God’s children, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We continue to uphold RMN’s mission “to transform our Church and world into the full expression of Christ’s inclusive love.”

For more information about Reconciling Ministries Network, and to join the movement, visit the RMN site.